Python based Telegram bot to monitor and control the Raspberry Pi
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Naveen A.B 0395255307
2020-06-28 17:00:48 +05:30 Update 2020-06-28 17:00:48 +05:30 Add files via upload 2020-06-28 15:36:17 +05:30


Python based Telegram bot to monitor and control the raspberry pi.

Setting up the bot

  • Install telepot library for enabling the Raspberry Pi to communicate with the Telegram bot using the API.
    sudo apt-get install python-pip
    sudo pip install telepot
  • Request the BotFather to create a new Bot.
  • Paste the HTTP access token here :
    bot = telepot.Bot('  Enter your Telegram bot API token here  ')
  • Run as sudo
  • Try out the commands given below in the Telegram bot chat (see Usage section below)


  • help - List of commands
  • ledon1 - Switch on LED 1
  • ledoff1 - Switch off LED 1
  • ledon2 - Switch on LED 2
  • ledoff2 - Switch off LED 2
  • cpu - Get CPU info (lscpu)
  • usb - See connected USB devices (lsusb)
  • hi - To check if online
  • time - Returns time
  • date - Returns date
  • temp - CPU Temperature
  • repoupdate - update repositories (sudo apt-get update)
  • upgrade - upgrade packages (sudo apt-get upgrade -y)
  • shutdown - Shutdown RPi (sudo shutdown -h now)
  • reboot - Reboot RPi (sudo reboot)

Usage :

  • Use ' / ' before each command
  • Example : To check the CPU Temperature;

Readme is still under construction.