Delete res/autoupdate.bat
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
<!-- : Begin batch script
@echo off
setLocal EnableExtensions
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: _ _
:: _ | | _ | | _
:: ____ _ _| |_ ___ _ _ ____ _ | | ____| |_ ____ | | _ ____| |_
:: / _ | | | | _)/ _ \| | | | _ \ / || |/ _ | _)/ _ ) | || \ / _ | _)
:: ( ( | | |_| | |_| |_| | |_| | | | ( (_| ( ( | | |_( (/ / _| |_) ( ( | | |__
:: \_||_|\____|\___\___/ \____| ||_/ \____|\_||_|\___\____(_|____/ \_||_|\___)
:: |_|
:: Automatic RDP Wrapper installer and updater v.1.1 asmtron (2023-10-13)
:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:: Options:
:: -log = redirect display output to the file autoupdate.log
:: -taskadd = add autorun of autoupdate.bat on startup in schedule task
:: -taskremove = remove autorun of autoupdate.bat on startup in schedule task
:: Info:
:: The autoupdater first use and check the official rdpwrap.ini.
:: If a new termsrv.dll is not supported in the offical rdpwrap.ini,
:: autoupdate uses the updated rdpwrap.ini files from the community.
:: contributors: "sebaxakerhtc, asmtron, affinityv, DrDrrae, saurav-biswas"
:: Extra rdpwrap.ini sources can also be defined...
:: { Special thanks to binarymaster and all other contributors }
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Location of new/updated rdpwrap.ini files
:: -----------------------------------------
set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_1=""
set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_2=""
set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_3=""
set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_4=""
set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_5=""
:: set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_6=""
:: set rdpwrap_ini_update_github_7=""
set autoupdate_version=1.1
set autoupdate_url=""
set autoupdate_ver_url=""
set autoupdate_bat="%~dp0autoupdate.bat"
set autoupdate_new_bat="%~dp0autoupdate_new.bat"
set autoupdate_log="%~dp0autoupdate.log"
set autoupdate_ver="%~dp0autoupdate.ver"
set RDPWInst_exe="%~dp0RDPWInst.exe"
set rdpwrap_dll="%~dp0rdpwrap.dll"
set rdpwrap_ini="%~dp0rdpwrap.ini"
set rdpwrap_ini_check=%rdpwrap_ini%
set rdpwrap_new_ini="%~dp0rdpwrap_new.ini"
set github_location=1
set retry_network_check=0
set version_check=0
set updated=0
echo _________________________________________________
echo Automatic RDP Wrapper installer and updater v.%autoupdate_version%
echo ^<check if the RDP Wrapper is up-to-date and working^>
:: check if admin
fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% >nul
if not %errorlevel% == 0 goto :not_admin
:: check for arguments
if /i "%~1"=="-log" (
echo %autoupdate_bat% output from %date% at %time% > %autoupdate_log%
call %autoupdate_bat% >> %autoupdate_log%
goto :finish
if /i "%~1"=="-taskadd" (
echo [+] add autorun of %autoupdate_bat% on startup in the schedule task.
schtasks /create /f /sc ONSTART /tn "RDP Wrapper Autoupdate" /tr "cmd.exe /C \"%~dp0autoupdate.bat\" -log" /ru SYSTEM /delay 0000:10
powershell "$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries; Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'RDP Wrapper Autoupdate' -Settings $settings"
goto :finish
if /i "%~1"=="-taskremove" (
echo [-] remove autorun of %autoupdate_bat% on startup in the schedule task^^!
schtasks /delete /f /tn "RDP Wrapper Autoupdate"
goto :finish
if /i "%~1"=="-updated" (
set updated=1
copy /y %autoupdate_new_bat% %autoupdate_bat%
) else (
if exist %autoupdate_new_bat% del %autoupdate_new_bat%
if /i not "%~1"=="" (
echo [x] Unknown argument specified: "%~1"
echo [*] Supported argments/options are:
echo -log = redirect display output to the file autoupdate.log
echo -taskadd = add autorun of autoupdate.bat on startup in the schedule task
echo -taskremove = remove autorun of autoupdate.bat on startup in the schedule task
goto :finish
:: check if file "RDPWInst.exe" exist
if not exist %RDPWInst_exe% goto :error_install
goto :start_check
color 0e
echo ___________________________________
echo [x] ERROR - No Administrator Rights
echo [*] This script must be run as administrator to work properly^^!
echo ^<Please use 'right click' on this batch file and select "Run As Administrator"^>
timeout 60
goto :finish
echo [-] RDP Wrapper installer executable (RDPWInst.exe) not found^^!
echo Please extract all files from the downloaded RDP Wrapper package or check your Antivirus.
goto :finish
set rdpwrap_installed="0"
:: ----------------------------------
:: 1) check if TermService is running
:: ----------------------------------
sc queryex "TermService"|find "STATE"|find /v "RUNNING" >nul&&(
echo [-] TermService NOT running^^!
call :install
echo [+] TermService running.
:: ------------------------------------------
:: 2) check if listener session rdp-tcp exist
:: ------------------------------------------
set rdp_tcp_session=""
set rdp_tcp_session_id=0
if exist %windir%\system32\query.exe (
for /f "tokens=1-2* usebackq" %%a in (
`query session rdp-tcp`
) do (
set rdp_tcp_session=%%a
set /a rdp_tcp_session_id=%%b 2>nul
) else (
for /f "tokens=2* usebackq" %%a in (
`reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v "fDenyTSConnections" 2^>nul`
) do (
if "%%a"=="REG_DWORD" (
set rdp_tcp_session=AllowTSConnection
if "%%b"=="0x0" (set rdp_tcp_session_id=1)
if %rdp_tcp_session_id%==0 (
echo [-] Listener session rdp-tcp NOT found^^!
call :install
) else (
echo [+] Found listener session: %rdp_tcp_session% ^(ID: %rdp_tcp_session_id%^).
:: -----------------------------------------
:: 3) check if rdpwrap.dll exist in registry
:: -----------------------------------------
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters" /f "rdpwrap.dll" >nul&&(
echo [+] Found windows registry entry for "rdpwrap.dll".
echo [-] NOT found windows registry entry for "rdpwrap.dll"^^!
if %rdpwrap_installed%=="0" (
call :install
:: -----------------------------------
:: 4) check if rdpwrap.dll file exists
:: -----------------------------------
if exist %rdpwrap_dll% (
echo [+] Found file: %rdpwrap_dll%
) else (
echo [-] File NOT found: %rdpwrap_dll%^^!
if %rdpwrap_installed%=="0" (
call :install
:: ------------------------------
:: 5) check if rdpwrap.ini exists
:: ------------------------------
if exist %rdpwrap_ini% (
echo [+] Found file: %rdpwrap_ini%.
) else (
echo [-] File NOT found: %rdpwrap_ini%^^!
if %rdpwrap_installed%=="0" (
call :install
:: ----------------------------------------------------
:: 6) get file version of %windir%\System32\termsrv.dll
:: ----------------------------------------------------
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%a in (
`cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:fileVersion "%windir%\System32\termsrv.dll"`
) do (
set termsrv_dll_ver=%%a
if "%termsrv_dll_ver%"=="" (
echo [x] Error on getting the file version of "%windir%\System32\termsrv.dll"^^!
goto :finish
) else (
echo [+] Installed "termsrv.dll" version: %termsrv_dll_ver%.
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: 7) check if installed fileversion is different to the last saved fileversion in registry
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo [*] Read last "termsrv.dll" version from the windows registry...
for /f "tokens=2* usebackq" %%a in (
`reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RDP-Wrapper\Autoupdate" /v "termsrv.dll" 2^>nul`
) do (
set last_termsrv_dll_ver=%%b
if "%last_termsrv_dll_ver%"=="%termsrv_dll_ver%" (
echo [+] Current "termsrv.dll v.%termsrv_dll_ver%" same as last "termsrv.dll v.%last_termsrv_dll_ver%".
) else (
echo [-] Current "termsrv.dll v.%termsrv_dll_ver%" different from last "termsrv.dll v.%last_termsrv_dll_ver%"^^!
echo [*] Update current "termsrv.dll" version to the windows registry...
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RDP-Wrapper\Autoupdate" /v "termsrv.dll" /t REG_SZ /d "%termsrv_dll_ver%" /f
if %rdpwrap_installed%=="0" (
call :install
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
:: 8) check if installed termsrv.dll version exists in rdpwrap.ini
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
if exist %rdpwrap_ini_check% (
echo [*] Start searching [%termsrv_dll_ver%] version entry in file %rdpwrap_ini_check%...
findstr /c:"[%termsrv_dll_ver%]" %rdpwrap_ini_check% >nul&&(
echo [+] Found "termsrv.dll" version entry [%termsrv_dll_ver%] in file %rdpwrap_ini_check%.
echo [*] RDP Wrapper seems to be up-to-date and working...
echo [-] NOT found "termsrv.dll" version entry [%termsrv_dll_ver%] in file %rdpwrap_ini_check%^^!
if not "!rdpwrap_ini_update_github_%github_location%!" == "" (
set rdpwrap_ini_url=!rdpwrap_ini_update_github_%github_location%!
call :update
goto :check_update
goto :finish
) else (
echo [-] File NOT found: %rdpwrap_ini_check%.
echo [*] Give up - Please check if Antivirus/Firewall blocks the file %rdpwrap_ini_check%^^!
goto :finish
goto :finish
:: -----------------------------------------------------
:: Install RDP Wrapper (exactly uninstall and reinstall)
:: -----------------------------------------------------
echo [*] Uninstall and reinstall RDP Wrapper...
if exist %rdpwrap_dll% set rdpwrap_force_uninstall=1
if exist %rdpwrap_ini% set rdpwrap_force_uninstall=1
if "%rdpwrap_force_uninstall%"=="1" (
echo [*] Set windows registry entry for "rdpwrap.dll" to force uninstall...
reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\Parameters" /f /v ServiceDll /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %rdpwrap_dll%
set rdpwrap_installed="1"
%RDPWInst_exe% -u
%RDPWInst_exe% -i -o
call :setNLA
goto :eof
:: -------------------
:: Restart RDP Wrapper
:: -------------------
echo [*] Restart RDP Wrapper with new ini (uninstall and reinstall)...
%RDPWInst_exe% -u
if exist %rdpwrap_new_ini% (
echo [*] Use latest downloaded rdpwrap.ini from GitHub...
echo -^> %rdpwrap_ini_url%
echo -^> %rdpwrap_new_ini%
echo -^> %rdpwrap_ini%
echo [+] copy %rdpwrap_new_ini% to %rdpwrap_ini%...
copy %rdpwrap_new_ini% %rdpwrap_ini%
) else (
echo [x] ERROR - File %rdpwrap_new_ini% is missing ^^!
%RDPWInst_exe% -i
call :setNLA
goto :eof
:: -----------------------------------
:: check if online access is available
:: -----------------------------------
echo [*] check network connectivity...
ping -n 1>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
goto :waitnetwork
) else (
goto :checkversion
echo [.] Wait for network connection is available...
ping -n 11>nul
set /a retry_network_check=retry_network_check+1
:: wait for a maximum of 5 minutes
if %retry_network_check% LSS 30 goto netcheck
:: ---------------------------------------------------
:: check if new version of autoupdate.bat is available
:: ---------------------------------------------------
if %version_check%==1 goto :download
set version_check=1
echo [*] get version info of autoupdate.bat from GitHub...
echo -^> %autoupdate_ver_url%
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%a in (
`cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:fileDownload %autoupdate_ver_url% %autoupdate_ver%`
) do (
set "download_status=%%a"
if not "%download_status%"=="-1" (
echo [-] FAILED to get version info of autoupdate.bat from GitHub...
echo [*] Please check you internet connection/firewall and try again^^!
goto :download
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in (%autoupdate_ver%) do (set "autoupdate_online_version=%%a")
echo [+] Successfully get autoupdate 'v.%autoupdate_online_version%' info from GitHhub.
if %autoupdate_version% GEQ %autoupdate_online_version% (
echo [*] autoupdate 'v.%autoupdate_online_version%' is up to date
goto :download
echo [+] New version 'v.%autoupdate_online_version%' of autoupdate.bat available^^!
echo [*] Download new version of autoupdate.bat from GitHub...
echo -^> %autoupdate_url%
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%a in (
`cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:fileDownload %autoupdate_url% %autoupdate_new_bat%`
) do (
set "download_status=%%a"
if "%download_status%"=="-1" (
echo [+] Restart with the new autoupdate 'v.%autoupdate_online_version%' ...
if %updated%==1 goto :download
call %autoupdate_new_bat% "-updated"
goto :finish
) else (
echo [-] FAILED to download from GitHub latest version to %autoupdate_bat%^^!
echo [*] Please check you internet connection/firewall and try again^^!
goto :download
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
:: Download an newer up-to-date version of rdpwrap.ini from GitHub
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------
set /a github_location=github_location+1
echo [*] Download latest version of rdpwrap.ini from GitHub...
echo -^> %rdpwrap_ini_url%
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%a in (
`cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:fileDownload %rdpwrap_ini_url% %rdpwrap_new_ini%`
) do (
set "download_status=%%a"
if "%download_status%"=="-1" (
echo [+] Successfully download from GitHhub latest version to %rdpwrap_new_ini%.
set rdpwrap_ini_check=%rdpwrap_new_ini%
call :restart
) else (
echo [-] FAILED to download from GitHub latest version to %rdpwrap_new_ini%^^!
echo [*] Please check you internet connection/firewall and try again^^!
goto :eof
:: --------------------------------
:: Set Network Level Authentication
:: --------------------------------
echo [*] Set Network Level Authentication in the windows registry...
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v SecurityLayer /t reg_dword /d 0x2 /f
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v MinEncryptionLevel /t reg_dword /d 0x2 /f
goto :eof
:: -------
:: E X I T
:: -------
exit /b
--- Begin wsf script --- fileVersion/fileDownload --->
<job id="fileVersion"><script language="VBScript">
set args = WScript.Arguments
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Echo fso.GetFileVersion(args(0))
<job id="fileDownload"><script language="VBScript">
set args = WScript.Arguments
WScript.Echo SaveWebBinary(args(0), args(1))
Function SaveWebBinary(strUrl, strFile) 'As Boolean
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim web, varByteArray, strData, strBuffer, lngCounter, ado
On Error Resume Next
'Download the file with any available object
Set web = Nothing
Set web = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest")
If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
web.Open "GET", strURL, False
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
SaveWebBinary = False
Set web = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
If web.Status <> "200" Then
SaveWebBinary = False
Set web = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
varByteArray = web.ResponseBody
Set web = Nothing
'Now save the file with any available method
On Error Resume Next
Set ado = Nothing
Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
If ado Is Nothing Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting, True)
strData = ""
strBuffer = ""
For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray)
ts.Write Chr(255 And Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1)))
ado.Type = adTypeBinary
ado.Write varByteArray
ado.SaveToFile strFile, adSaveCreateOverWrite
End If
SaveWebBinary = True
End Function
Reference in New Issue