add option AllowStartIfOnBatteries in the "startup schedule task" of "autoupdate.bat" ->fix: autoupdate will now also run on startup if the computer is on battery operation.
replaced batch comment command "REM" with "::"
Problem: on the new Win10 ver 10.0.19041.746 on startup the network is not ready for longer time; added the "wait for network connection" functionality to fix this issue
- changed the restart method so we can copy and not stream the new downloaded ini; hope this fixes problems with loading of the new ini file on some systems...
- add no-admin warning with pause,
Windows home editions are missing the command "%windir%\system32\query.exe" to query the rdp-tcp session. The workaround on windows home editions is to check the windows registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\fDenyTSConnections