
103 lines
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Module HelpSystem
Public Sub SetupTips(TheForm As Windows.Forms.Form)
Dim toolTip1 As New ToolTip()
toolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 10000
toolTip1.InitialDelay = 500
toolTip1.ReshowDelay = 500
Dim HelpString As String = ""
For Each Control As Control In TheForm.Controls
For Each SubControl As Control In Control.Controls
For Each SubSubControl In SubControl.Controls
For Each SubSubSubControl In SubSubControl.Controls
HelpString = GetTipString(Control.Parent.Name, SubSubSubControl.Name)
If Not HelpString = "" Then toolTip1.SetToolTip(SubSubSubControl, HelpString)
HelpString = GetTipString(Control.Parent.Name, SubSubControl.Name)
If Not HelpString = "" Then toolTip1.SetToolTip(SubSubControl, HelpString)
HelpString = GetTipString(Control.Parent.Name, SubControl.Name)
If Not HelpString = "" Then toolTip1.SetToolTip(SubControl, HelpString)
HelpString = GetTipString(Control.Parent.Name, Control.Name)
If Not HelpString = "" Then toolTip1.SetToolTip(Control, HelpString)
End Sub
Private Function GetTipString(FormName As String, ControlName As String) As String
Dim TipString As String = ""
Dim TipText As String = GetTipFile()
Dim TipArray = TipText.Split(ControlChars.CrLf.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For Each TipLine As String In TipArray
Dim TipLineArray = TipLine.Split("|")
If TipLineArray(0) = FormName And TipLineArray(1) = ControlName Then TipString = TipLineArray(2)
TipString = TipString.Replace("\r", vbCr)
TipString = TipString.Replace("\n", vbLf)
Return TipString
End Function
Private Function GetTipFile() As String
Dim TipFile As String = ""
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("tips.txt") Then
TipFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("tips.txt")
TipFile = GetBuiltInTips()
End If
Return TipFile
End Function
Private Function GetBuiltInTips() As String
Dim Tips As String = ""
Tips += "RemoteAppMainWindow|CreateButton|Add a new RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppMainWindow|DeleteButton|Remove selected RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppMainWindow|EditButton|Edit properties of selected RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppMainWindow|CreateClientConnection|Creates a RDP file or MSI installer for the selected RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|SaveButton|Save changes and close." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|FTAButton|Set file type associations for this RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|CancelEditButton|Discard changes and close." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|BrowseIconPath|Select an icon for the RemoteApp." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|VPathCopyButton|Copy the value from the ""Path"" field into the ""VPath"" field." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|IconPathCopyButton|Copy the value from the ""Path"" field into the ""Icon path"" field. " & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|BrowsePath|Browse for application." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppEditWindow|BrowseVPath|Browse for application." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|RDPRadioButton|Create an RDP file." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|MSIRadioButton|Create an MSI file." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|EditAfterSave|Edit the RDP connection file." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|CreateRAWebIcon|Generate an icon for the application and any file type associations.\r\nUse this with RAWeb." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|FTAButton|Set file type associations for this RemoteApp.\r\nChanges here will only affect this client connection. They will not be saved." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|DisabledFTACheckBox|Do not include file type associations in this client connection." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|SaveButton|Save window settings for next time." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|ResetButton|Reset window settings to defaults." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|CancelEditButton|Close and return to the main window." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppCreateClientConnection|CreateButton|Create the client connection and choose where to save it." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation|CreateButton|Create a new File Type Association." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation|DeleteButton|Delete selected File Type Association." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation|EditButton|Change icon of selected File Type Association." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation|SetAssociationButton|Create or remove the selected File Type Association on the current system." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation|CloseButton|Save changes and close." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppIconPicker|BrowseButton|Browse for a file that contains icons." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppIconPicker|CancelEditButton|Discard changes and close." & vbCrLf
Tips += "RemoteAppIconPicker|OKButton|Choose the selected icon." & vbCrLf
Return Tips
End Function
End Module